Tis the beginning of all moist things • 2022
Series of sculptures, wood, acrylic, print, varnish, 26x14cm + Wallpapers, 150x100cm

Tis the beginning of all moist things was made specifically for Virginia Bianchi Gallery at Art Verona Fair 2022. In this new 3D World Build, she continues her exploration of dreamscapes; landscapes of fragmented memories.

Here, she investigates moss as time rendered visible. Evoking both the fetish for civilisational collapse and current concerns of ecocide and human extinction, her mossy world expands on her interest in cyclical time, and the recurrence of events throughout history.
These colonising mosses offer a radical reimagining of a world based on cross collaboration, in between human and non-human entities. A re-enchanting vision of a lost time, either future or past.

Produced for:
• 2022 - ArtVerona Fair - with Virginia Bianchi Gallery (Verona, Italy)
Shown at:
• 2024 - IceBlink Luck - group show at Generation & Display - curated by Kollektiv Collective (London, UK)